Fake Meat is growing faster than Fake News!

If you are a one of the conservative and food-change denying naysayers in the food industry (there are many!) who believe there is just no way the conventional animal and protein production industry will be rattled in the coming years by Ag2.0, think again.   

Fake Meat is growing faster than Fake News!  Now even #BigFood is seeing the light and dollars involved with boycotting the cow, the chicken or the ranch and the dollars to be made in the plant based protein, food and beverages space.

BigFood acquisitions in plant based food companies are gaining momentum globally

BigFood acquisitions in plant based food companies are gaining momentum globally

Four months ago, Tyson Foods (America's largest chicken factory renown for its animal cruelty and unethical/ unsustainable food production methods and brands ) turned heads globally when it bought a 5-percent stake in plant based meat Beyond Meat. Other packaged foods giants like Pinnacle Foods acquired Gardein, and Monde Nissin acquired Quorn - additional plant based food and beverage companies.

And just this week Canada’s leading packaged meat producer acquired Nightlife - a major power player in the plant-based foods market -  in a $140 million deal. 

As the plant-protein revolution continues, Ag2.0 and alternative non (real life) animal protein production is becoming a more real and feasible reality and even BigFood culprits are starting to change from the inside out... and not a moment too soon.